Home / Why Sprouted?
Many individuals are finding that although they normally feel bloated or have an upset stomach after eating conventional wheat, they can eat sprouted wheat with no reactions (disclaimer: individuals should consult your doctor before changing your diet.)

A wheat sprout is digested a lot like a vegetable. It contains more protein and fiber, but has fewer carbohydrates and a lot less gluten.

Why is this important? Because fiber is essential in keeping your bowels moving, and brushing out the bad from your intestines.

When bread is sprouted, it becomes naturally sweet, so each loaf of bread has only a small amount of natural sweetener in it. (Our Rosemary bread has no sweetener at all, and is one of our most preferred bread offered!)

Once the grain has started to grow, nutrients become more bioavailable, meaning your body can more easily use the nutrients that are in the grain. (You get more nutrients and minerals out of the food you eat!)

The sprouting process increases the value of almost every nutrient the grain has.

Did you know that the B vitamins in wheat are significantly higher after it is sprouted? B vitamins are excellent for brain function and the nervous system.